Biel-Real pt. 4 – Underground

Biel-Real man. Strictly Classic Hip-Hop Beats.
Celebrating 4 elements out of Biel/Bienne City.

Underground is where the truth has been left behind. We all have this one secret: Who we truly are.

Hip-Hop allows you to express yourself, to battle in a non violent way; in a way with style. It allows you to give the others some kind of an idea, who you truly are. Underground is humble. You don’t shine from the outside, you shine from the inside.

This time Biel-Real wants to create an undground atmosphere, where there will be just you, your cool face and your soul on fire.

So….put your hoodies on, come to the Coupole and listen to the Classic Real Shit!

@Coupole Biel/Bienne
Date: 17.05.19
Doors: 22:00 – 6:00 h
Admission: CHF 15.- + 1.- Boustutz

Lords of the Underground - Chief Rocka

DJ Murray, DJ Skan, DJ Flüsch La Mar, DJ Rush

Save-Ves (Plugged-In), Live Shwocase

Ill Fusion Crew – Show

Cabut183 – Piece, 3m x 90cm